
Data Feeds - Depths - Timezones


Data is required to populate the graphs and studies. Sierra Chart comes with free delayed data, but in most cases traders will connect to a data feed.

First activate data on the Sierra Chart website, then connect to that feed from within Sierra Chart software. Outlined below.

Activating Data and Other Account Services Web Browser-Side

Simply activate services and data feeds as needed HERE

Users must become familiar with the Account Control Panel. Here users can:

  • buy usage time
  • activate data feeds
  • support tickets

To access Account Services users can either:

  1. https://www.sierrachart.com/UserControlPanel.php


  • Open Sierra Chart
  • Title Bar: Help
  • Account Control Panel
  • access order fills
  • complete documenation and agreements
  • + much more

Here are common data and service pages


Above: Activate Services page, here the 3rd step Activate must be completed.

Official Sierra Chart Data documentation

Data Feed Connection with Trading Services

  • Open Sierra Chart
  • Select the Global Settings from the title bar
  • See Image (Click Arrow)
  • Click Data/Trade Service Settings
  • Under the Service setting, click the dropdown menu and select the desired data feed
  • Using Rithmic as an example, fill in the appropriate fields with the Username and Password obtained from your broker, data provider, or evaluation company email
  • Hit Apply

If you are connected, the default Connection status within the toolbar will be Green, Red if not connected, or Yellow if connecting.

Tip: You may freely switch between Trade Services and accounts within those services. Sierra Chart offers SIM trading, read more about that HERE

Data Notes

  • Each copy of Sierra Chart can connect to 1 data feed at a time, but accounts and data feeds can be quickly switched. Multiple copies of Sierra Chart can be run with separate data feeds keep in mind professional trader status when using multiple feeds.

Market Order Book Depth Data

If using a high enough chart package, users have the ability to view many depths of market levels. This includes: buy/sell orders, pulling/stacking, and MBO.

Market depth data can consume high amounts of hard drive storage. To toggle global depth data downloading:

  • Title Bar: Global Settings > Sierra Chart Server Settings > General Tab
  • Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data: Yes/No as needed
  • (Optional) Max Historical Market Depth Days to Download: As needed

Note: Some brokers or prop firms do not offer full depth, and the only quotes shown are inside market bid and ask.

MBO Data

MBO stands for Market By Order, which shows the orders that make up depths and their positions in the queue. Ensure a sufficiently high enough Service Package is enabled to view this data.

Market Stats

Sierra Chart offers various market statistic symbols such as: TICK, TRIN, ADV, DECL, and many more. These can be charted using chart graphs.

  • File > Find Symbol > Market Stats

Official Documentation:

Data Considerations:

Traders experience varying results under high volatility or other conditions. Some data providers offer different risk metrics and symbols available. Consider a Sierra Chart in-house data feed of Denali. Some traders may also prefer Teton routing.

Sierra Chart has announced recommendations around avoiding certain feeds but they may still support them. Discuss with a licensed broker or professional for more details.

Downloading Market Depth Data

Market depth data is downloaded to the User/SierraChart/Data/MarketDepthData/ folder.

To toggle whether or not depth data downloads automatically simply:

  • Open Sierra Chart
  • Title Bar: Global Settings > Sierra Chart Server Settings
  • General menu
    • Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data: Yes
    • Max Historical Market Depths Days to Download: As desired

Time Zones

Tip: Sometimes execution markers or orders may not correctly draw to graphs, make sure the computer has accurate time. For Windows users, Right Click the Data/Time > Adjust Date/Time > Sync Now

Global Settings > Time Zone Settings


Official Sierra Time Zone Documentation

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📊Sierra Chart Master Handbook - Unofficial

Please be aware that the information contained in this handbook is not intended to be and should not be taken as financial advice. The creator is not a financial advisor and the materials provided should not be relied upon in making any financial decisions. Any actions taken based on the information contained in this handbook are taken at the reader's own risk and the creator will not be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from such actions.

In addition, the creator is not a registered broker or financial advisor in the United States and the materials contained in this handbook do not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. The creator does not endorse or recommend any particular investment strategy and the reader should not rely on any information contained in this handbook as the basis for making any investment decisions.

Furthermore, past performance is not indicative of future results and the reader should be aware that trading futures, crypto, stocks, and NFTs carries a high degree of risk and the possibility of significant losses. The reader should carefully consider their financial situation and seek independent financial advice before making any investment decisions.

The creator of this handbook is not an expert and the materials contained within are provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. No material contained in this handbook suggests a specific method or strategy for investing or trading, and under no circumstances should anything contained in this handbook or any related materials be considered as financial advice.

Please also be aware that some pages within this handbook may contain affiliate links that pay the creator a small commission at no additional cost to the reader. The inclusion of these links does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the products or services being advertised and the reader should carefully evaluate the suitability of any product or service before making a purchase.

By accessing and using the materials contained in this handbook, the reader acknowledges and agrees to the terms of this disclaimer and releases the creator from any liability for financial losses or damages resulting from the reader's use of the materials contained within. It is possible to lose more than the value of a trading account. Nothing within this handbook is advice or a recommendation to the reader. Any damages or losses following changes the reader makes to Sierra Chart after reading material within this handbook the creator should not be held liable. This handbook is NOT created by Sierra Chart and is not an official handbook to Sierra Chart. Each purchase only grants the user associated with the email provided on checkout for lifetime access. Trading is risky.